NOW available at Valley Bio Ltd.

Hutcheson Forage Soybean

Field of soybean plants with green foliage

Valley Bio Ltd. is excited to introduce to you the Hutcheson Forage Soybean.
A new variety that comes out of Alabama, USA.

The Hutcheson Forage Soybean is our top choice of soybean for your forage fields. This variety is a Very Long Maturity Soybeans, very tall in height with gigantic leaves, they love the summer heat and stay green all year. They will continue to flower and fix nitrogen into October!
Forage Soybeans are ideal for mixing with sorghum sudan, or silage corn. They can help balance nutritional value to your warm season grass feed stocks. They are also great compliment to our cool season peas, clovers or other warm season annual legumes.

Learn more about using soybeans as a forage crop for livestock.

Planting Guidelines:

Seeding rate: 35 – 45 lbs per acre

Seed depth: 0.5 – 1 inch

Planting time: Spring/ staggered season planting

Soil pH range: 5.5 – 6.5

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